Routeblaze to the rescue!

Unlock the power of seamless data connection with routeblaze and revolutionise the way you integrate and manage all your data sources. Traditional integration methods often create challenges of their own. It can easily consume resources and take much longer than originally planned. Routeblaze offers a seamless, and scalable solution where integrations are swift, secure, and easy to manage.

How Routeblaze helps?

Routeblaze is made up of a collection of tools and services, that together collaborate to build powerful connected experiences. At its core is the Execution Agent. The Execution Agent is a server-side service where your workflows, integrations and business applications live, and can be deployed either to cloud or on-prem.
Business applications are developed using Routeblaze Studio, which integrates seamlessly with the Execution Agent. Studio allows you to develop, test and deploy your applications – and provides a gamut of tools that make turning ideas into reality simple and intuitive.

Routeblaze take a Rapid Application Development approach to building business apps – including API development. You can create and deploy a new API in seconds using Studio’s powerful app templates and integrated deployment.  But the real power comes from its ability to build complex workflows behind your API, leveraging your existing data sources and services. Couple this with graphical mapping tools to transform, enrich and aggregate your data, and you’ve got a supercharged toolbox that accelerates development from all angles.

The main difference between Zapier and Routeblaze lies in the flexibility and power of the language used to build your apps. Routeblaze is built around an Apache Camel core – which is best-of-breed Open Source framework for integration and workflow management. It has an extremely powerful expression language, which when combined with a huge number of components out-of-the-box ( allows you to build anything you can dream up – instead of simple, point to point integrations.


The real power of Routeblaze is in unlocking your data and services to provide a truly connected experience. This involves multiple data sources, connecting into multiple applications. Routeblaze comes packed with a host of Enterprise tools to allow you to build and manage business apps and data at scale.

With Routeblaze you can breathe new life into your legacy systems. Unlock the data they contain with either an off-the-shelf adapter – or build your own with our Software Development Kit. Then wrap these systems in an API Gateway – extending the useful life of your existing infrastructure.

Studio comes with a built-in test environment, allowing you do design, develop and test new projects without having to provision any additional hardware or services. Simply tell Studio to create a new project container in its test environment, and a new project in Studio’s Service Builder.
To quick-start your project, you could follow one of our tutorials

Ideally you should think about how you application will source data – and what it will do with that data – interms of routing, transformation, and finally delivery to its intended destination.

It won’t make you a coffee in the morning, but from a Business Process Automation Routeblaze has you covered.

Routeblaze has built-in support for high-availability – i.e. failover nodes can be configured to take up the slack if a particular service becomes unavailable. In addition, Routeblaze comes bundled with a Transaction Manager (Atomikos) which can be used to prevent data loss via XA Transactions for certain endpoint types.

Routeblaze has a fine-grained security model, allowing precise configuration of who can access what. It has built-in support for credential-encryption, and also supports TLS1.3 SSL for adapter types supporting SSL (E.G. JMS, IBM MQ, REST, SOAP etc)

How long does it take to get a project completed?
This very much depends upon the complexity of the project in question, but Routeblaze is built around a Rapid Application Development philosophy:
  • Seamless integration with Studio and Exec Agent runtime mean application environments can be built in seconds
  • Integrated data tools (e.g. MQ Series, ActiveMQ, Rabbit MQ etc) allow rapid prototyping and testing of connection setup
  • Code generators automate the construction of your project based on the work done in the data-tools, meaning zero code to get connected
  • Powerful and comprehensive snippets automate the development of a huge number of use cases around:
    • Connectivity
    • Routing
    • Transformations
  • Integrated visual mapping tools allow drag/drop development of mapping logic. Map between XML <- -> JSON <- -> Anything else in minutes
  • One-touch deployment from Studio into your Execution Agent, means extremely short code/deploy/test cycle to iterate until your app is ready